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#2 - 13.01.2015
#2 A few words about testing for programmers or why is it worthwhile
Lecturer: Piotr Kiebasiński
Tnit tests are often seen by programmers as a necessary evil, something that delays the delivery of software or adds unnecessary work. During the lecture, Piotrek showed that testing can make sense, and be effective, reduce the amount of time spent on the code and significantly increase both the pace of work and its quality. He referred to the BDD methodology and the use of the Spock framework.

Piotr Kiebasiński
Graduated Computational Physics at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Piotr has more than 12 years of experience in developing business applications, numeric computations, data exploration systems, migrations, data analysis, deployment processes and automation of tests. He feels at home with all subjects associated with Linux, Bash and Open Source in general.