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#76 - 11.05.2022

#76 Design patterns and anti-patterns in web application automation testing

Lecturer: Tomasz Stelmach

As the level of complexity of the source code and the software itself increases, so does the level of complexity of the software tests. Test automation is an important and increasingly used form of supporting the testing process. The most important element in building the test automation process is the approach itself and the adopted general concepts. Design patterns are universal, proven in practice solutions to often repetitive design problems. In the presentation, I will tell you why it is worth basing the web application test automation process on proven and widely used design patterns. I will tell you about their concept, application, strengths and weaknesses. I will also present anti-patterns, which, unfortunately, are equally often used on the wide market. The presentation will be based on my over 10 years of experience in writing automated tests, managing test automation teams and managing test departments.

Tomasz Stelmach

My name is Tomasz Stelmach. For over ten years now, I am professionally responsible for testing, securing and maintaining development quality, planning, development and maintaining of Tests Automation process in big organization. Lately I'm involved mostly in IT architecture related issues and DevOps/TestOps - strictly connected with maintaining development quality. My specialities are automation testing of web applications and creating widely understood processes of automation and robotization. I am also a founder of training company "Od laika do Automatyka"