#82: Kedro and Kubeflow: how to effectively structure and develop Data Science projects?
Have you ever worked on Data Science projects? Do you remember Jupyter notebooks accumulating in different places, models transferred via emails or data files exchanged on Google Drive? In the upcoming 82nd episode of Talk4Devs, Kornel Skałkowski will talk about how two frameworks – Kedro and Kubeflow – allow you to work efficiently on Data Science projects:
- how to build Data Science projects using Kedro and Kubeflow,
- what the development process itself looks like,
- and at the end – you will see tests of the created projects!

Kornel Skałkowski defended his doctoral thesis on applications of artificial intelligence methods in distributed systems adaptation at the same university in 2015. He has worked for companies such as SAP SE, IG and Novomatic, among others. The topics of his projects included the construction of models of consumer behavior, prediction of the results of games of chance, or adaptation of the Apache Spark platform.Currently, Kornel Skałkowski works as a Senior Data Scientist at GetInData, where he creates artificial intelligence models for telecommunications operators. His interests include artificial intelligence methods, Big Data and cloud platforms. He spends his free time doing mountain hiking, biking or with a good read.
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