#83 - 19.04.2023 18:00

#83: Here comes Loom, concurrency will never be the same again

Lecturer: Krystian Zybała

At a time when Herb Sutter announced to everyone that the free lunch was over (The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in Software), concurrency has become our everyday reality.

A big change is coming to Java, the #Loom project, and with it such new terms as “virtual thread,” “continuations” and “structured concurrency.”

If you’ve been wondering what these new features will change in your day-to-day work, or whether it’s worth rewriting your Tomcat-based applications for super-efficient reactive Netty, or waiting for the Loom project, this edition of Talk4Devs is for you!

Krystian Zybala will talk about the Loom project and the new possibilities related to virtual threads and “structured concurrency”. He will tell you how it works and what can be achieved and – what impact it has on performance.

Krystian Zybała

Java Programmer with 10 years of experience who is interested in how JVM works under the hood. Most of the time the madness tries to build performance systems on JVM with Apache Kafka and Cassandra. Formula 1 Fan, Max Verstappen, and Redbull Racing Team.

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