#84 - 24.05.2023 18:00

#84: Blockchain locally – Ganache, Truffle, Hardhat

Lecturer: Rafał Sokulski

Blockchain, supposedly, if you know it, job offers fall like manna from heaven 🙂 So says Rafal Sokulski, the speaker at #84 Talk4Devs.

Blockchain is not just about cryptocurrencies. This low-cost and one of the most secure technologies is used extensively in the financial industry and even in politics – in organizing secure elections, among other things. As Blockchain advances, tools are developing to make it easier for developers to work with this unique “database.”

How to easily test if our solutions are good? How to work on Smart Contracts? And finally – how to use Ganache, Truffle, Hardhat and Remix, tools to help work with Blockchain? Rafal Sokulski will talk about this at the next Talk4Devs. There will also be live coding with a presentation on how to put up a local Blockchain network and simply interact with it, as well as a Q&A session.


  1. What is Blockchain?
  2. Elements of a Blockchain network?
  3. Decentralization.
  4. Ethereum and EVM.
  5. Ganache, truffle, hardhat.
  6. Live coding
  7. Q&A
Rafał Sokulski

Once a fairly well-known DJ and producer in Poland, he turned his creative work with music into lines of code. A Senior Fullstack Developer with 9 years of experience, he has been at j-labs for 4 years, where he is involved in integrating with private blockchain, running on client machines. Today, having traveled this difficult path, he seeks to pass on his knowledge to blockchain fans who would like to start their own technical adventure with this technology.

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