#86 - 20.09.2023 18:00

#86: Kotlin Coroutines vs Java Green Threads

Lecturer: Michał Zaborowski

Thread is a very broad concept. It functions at the operating system level, moreover, different systems treat it in different ways. The JVM has its own perspective on the subject. And here is yet a revolution – threads only in JVM-e. On the other hand, no revolution there, because there are fibers (fibers) in Windows known for at least 20 years. Green threads also have Go-lang. What to choose in this situation?

During the upcoming Talk4Devs, Michal Zaborowski, Senior Software Engineer at j-labs, will contrast Kotlin Coroutines with Java Green Threads. He will answer the questions:

  • what is a thread,
  • what synchronization between threads looks like,
  • how green threads perform against Kotlin coroutines,
  • how coroutines are designed and what such a model yields,
  • how both approaches work,
  • what strengths they have,
  • what costs they entail,
  • and in which areas they will work best.

By collecting the pros and cons of both solutions, I want everyone to form an opinion on whether it’s worth waiting, switching, or simply understanding how both solutions work in order to use them as intended,” Michal concludes.

Michał Zaborowski

An engineer by training and conviction. He has been making money writing code for 25 years, JVM for the past teen years. Likes details, non-trivial problems, solutions that work. He is also interested in personal development - a fan of the Clifton StrengthsFinder approach. Graduated from coaching school, so also a coach - not to be confused with a motivational speaker.

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