#96 - 28.11.2024 18:00

#96: JEP 485: The biggest update to the Stream API since Java 8

Lecturer: Grzegorz Piwowarek

The Stream API was introduced to Java over a decade ago, but it hasn’t seen significant improvements since… until the advent of JEP 485: Stream Gatherers. This small revolution breathes new life into the Stream API. In this session, we’ll explore JEP 485 – the most substantial change to the Stream API in the past 10 years, set to arrive in Java in March 2025!

At #96 Talk4Devs:
✅ we’ll dive into the anatomy of the Stream API and Gatherers,
✅ we’ll explore built-in Gatherers and write some of our own,
✅ we’ll dissect the Collector and Gatherer APIs,
✅ we’ll examine ready-made Gatherer implementations from the standard library, including those that enable parallel stream processing on virtual threads,
✅ most importantly, we’ll extend the Stream API by creating several custom implementations.

We’ll be coding live – Grzegorz emphasizes – “My conscience doesn’t allow me to use slides!”

Grzegorz Piwowarek

Grzegorz Piwowarek is an independent consultant, blogger, and open-source project creator. He leads the Vavr project and the Warsaw JUG community. He has spoken at over 140 conferences worldwide and has trained more than 80 teams. Rumor has it that he only exists at compile time.


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