#45 - 15.05.2018
#45 Myth busters: HTTP/2 and web performance
Many developers have hopes connected with HTTP / 2, which is expected to be widespread soon. During the lecture we will start with history, we will touch on what is today, and then we will focus on the nearest future including HTTP / 2, FLIF, and WebP or Google HTML / CSS Style Guide.

Programmer, engineer, craftsman, designer, and cyclist. It uses every technology that leads to the goal. He believes in people, not papers. He is a follower of DevOps and all automation. As befits an intelligent person, he runs a blog - unique in that new texts appear there regularly: http://stapp.space/ Until recently, an IT expert at mBank. Currently, he is a co-creator of a new fintech - FinAi, in which he is working on turning complicated things into simple ones. And that can be difficult sometimes.