#56.2 - 15.10.2019
#56.2 Pyramid of Refactoring
Everyone has heard about test pyramid… and refactoring pyramid is its twin. Using Pyramid of testing we can set up the tests coverage of the existing functionality reaching given level (UI, modules, packages, classes, methods). This allows us to have a look at corresponding pyramid of refactoring and figure out what kind of refactorings can be performed safely. We start from the bottom of refactoring pyramid (simpler conditions, smaller methods) and climb up towards the highest level that is covered by tests. This concept will be presented using live refactoring of simple logic into interpreter design patterns. This way we will experience that refactoring at higher levels (design patterns, classes) can be continued only once lower levels like small methods, small classes, interfaces are being taken care of.

Włodek Krakowski is an independent technical trainer (www.refactoring.pl) cooperating with Bottega IT Minds. Sometimes also a programmer - especially during his refactoring training and during their preparation. He is mainly interested in issues related to how to provide high-quality software. It consists of many factors, such as how developers care about the quality of the code, how people work together to provide business value to the client, how people/company are managed. Ultimately, how they work together to grow together in their skills and learn from each other.