#88 - 13.12.2023 18:00

#88: Java 21 not just for weavers

Lecturer: Piotr Przybył

Just mention Java 21 and suddenly we automatically conjugate Project Loom and virtual threads by all cases. Meanwhile… Java 21 is a very good release not only for fans of threads and weaving!

This time we will focus on Java 21, the most important Java release since the version 9 revolution. Piotr Przybył will take us on a journey through the latest changes in Java 21:

  • Not just for fans of threading and weaving – these innovations will make it easier to write programs (and scripts!) for both experienced programmers who program in other languages and those who are just starting their coding adventure.
  • In this lecture, we’ll take a relaxed look at changes outside Loom, in particular string templates and all sorts of patterns (pattern matching).
  • The speaker is a fan of pure Java, as well as lightness and agility, which should manifest itself primarily in the use of the right tools.

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Piotr Przybył

Notorious engineer in and out of work, following the meanderings of the art of programming. Testcontainers Community Champion. Professionally a Remote Software Gardener, pulling weeds in web gardens for a dozen years. Currently Senior Developer Advocate at Elastic. Typically pruning Java (from version 1.3), Scala and Go to the shapes desired by clients, but other languages are no strangers to him either. Programmer, trainer, speaker. In his speeches he talks not only about pure Java, but also about software architecture, computer security and soft skills.

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