#91 - 20.03.2024 18:00

#91: Blockchain Hello World

Lecturer: Rafał Sokulski

Everyone has heard of Blockchain in the context of cryptocurrencies. Can the blockchain be used for another purpose? Participants of the 84th edition of Talk4Devs know the answer to this question – of course, you can. So let’s pose the question – how to get started?

Today’s opportunities to start your own adventure with the world of Blockchain and Smart Contracts are plentiful. Better and better solutions are being created, frameworks that simplify the process of implementing this unique “database” into the structures of our organizations. Unfortunately, the devil is in the details and browsing through page after page of documentation we feel overwhelmed by the amount of information. Sound familiar? Let our Blockchain expert from j-labs, Rafal Sokulski, dispel your doubts!

We will start by creating our own local Blockchain (Ethereum) based on Ganache and Hardhat. For backend developers, we will show how to create an application in Spring Boot that will integrate with our Blockchain. For frontend developers, we will demonstrate how to interact with Smart Contracts using Angular. It promises to be a lot of fun with code, a lot of excitement and a Q&A section to clear your doubts.

Rafał Sokulski

Once a fairly well-known DJ and producer in Poland, he turned his creative work with music into lines of code. A Senior Fullstack Developer with 9 years of experience, he has been at j-labs for 4 years, where he is involved in integrating with private blockchain, running on client machines. Today, having traveled this difficult path, he seeks to pass on his knowledge to blockchain fans who would like to start their own technical adventure with this technology.

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