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#20 - 17.11.2016

#20 PostgreSQL and relational databases

Lecturer: Michał Zaborowski

Their end was heralded, problems pointed out. And it turns out that relational databases are still with us and going strong – it is difficult to find a replacement for them across the broad spectrum of application. Essentially, we all use them, and more than a few of us treat them like a black box. However, it is worthwhile to take a peek under the bonnet. The lecture will outline the problems faced by database creators as well as feasible solutions thereof, with particular emphasis on PostgreSQL – its functioning, strengths and weakness. So that everyone using the solution does so comfortably and with conviction.

The lecture is addressed to individuals who use SQL databases (with an emphasis on PostgreSQL) or want to start using them, but are primarily looking for practical information and are ready to square up to their advanced features.

Michał Zaborowski