#11 - 09.02.2016
#11 JDK jewels from the treasure /bin
JDK has heaps of extremely useful tools in the bin folder, which often make it possible to diagnose a problem without purchasing similar commercial products. Yes, for free and readily available!
What are they good for? To produce and analyse a heapdump, gather exceptions stack traces, see how GC works and what it spends so much time on, check memory content and much more, all from the command line. Does that mean that it will work on a server somewhere far far away, beyond 7 VPNs and without a graphics interface?
During the session, Andrzej presented many of the available tools and talked about what they can be used for and what they can do.

"Andrzej likes distributed systems in all shapes and form. Coding since the age of 8, loves simplicity and continuous delivery. While he has written in many languages, he favours the JVM. Since ""most software problems are people problems”, he stirs communities, organizes and speaks at conferences (proud to be a JavaONE Rockstar!). He is passionate about all things data, because science! In his spare time… cycling, photography and books. And he is a Java Champion!Currently, he's having fun building systems at Revolut."