#33 Microservices & Service Discovery
The first part of the meeting will be dedicated to the problems you may encounter when introducing a new idea for this type of architecture in a stable environment. You will see how the implementation could look like in an “ideal world” and how it actually looks when we take into account the limitations of the environment in which we implement the implementation.
Then the speaker will go over to the use of Service Discovery. It will present a concept and define a place for this type of solution in a bundle of other corporate systems.
In the third part of the meeting, you will see an example of microservice implementation and their integration with Service Discovery (Eureka) by using SpringBoot in the most declarative way for programmers.

Solution Architect in PwC IT Services. Most of his professional experience was built during the implementation projects for telecommunications companies, though there were also episodes in the debt collection, logistics, and finance sectors. Worked as a programmer, designer, analyst, and is currently involved in architecture and training within his competence, where he tries to move in both logical and implementing perspectives. Husband and dad, he likes to play piano sometimes and ... PS4.