#63 - 25.11.2020
#63 Know your limits – about discovering the limits of objects and modules
As a consultant, he often sees new projects that are already on the same trajectory as legacy projects, that were to be replaced by new, beautiful, great code in new, beautiful, great architecture. We have modern languages, the latest frameworks, cloud, Kafka, microservice and it came out as usual.
During the presentation, we will move on from the disturbing symptoms at the code level, thanks to them we will track down erroneous architectural decisions at the level of modularization and integration in order to come to errors at the level of analysis. Then we will turn back time by conducting a thorough boundary analysis thanks to the Process Event Storming technique, design modules thanks to strategic Domain-driven Design techniques, and end with code that is actually… readable like prose.

Sławomir is the owner of a training and consulting company, Bottega IT Minds, associating 60 technical experts. During 17 years of work in the IT industry, he was a programmer, architect, team leader, mentor, and trainer. On a daily basis, he integrates Domain-Driven Design, patterns, and styles of architectural, agile manufacturing processes and common sense. He applies the overarching principle: recognize the problem class and select the appropriate tool class for it.