#67 - 24.03.2021
#67 Is tester still a job or is it only a role nowadays?
In most of the projects currently, we moved away from strict divisions into specialized (sub)teams. Rarely we speak about “dev team”, “test team” inside a project creating a product together. It’s getting more common to work in agile methodologies (or local variations around them) and so multi-competence teams arose (in SCRUM called just “development team”). Such a team should contain all the competencies required to develop a high-quality product. Should it also contain a person, whose job title directly connects with tests or quality?
I would like to analyze few different approaches to organize projects and try to discuss together with the audience which is the most popular today, how were and are they changing, and in what direction. We’re going to think about how is the tester’s role changing, is a stereotype that developers are disgusted by tests true, or maybe they become more open to quality assurance matters?
The presentation can (of course) be limited to two words “it depends” – but it’s not going to end that quickly! Together we’ll try to answer what is it dependent on and how those dependencies affect the work and results that the team provides. And the most important – can we talk about universal approaches?

Most of all tester with over 10-year experience. Currently QA Architect in touch with “real testing”. Throughout his career tested mobile apps and devices, CRM systems, medical trial supporting applications, lottery systems, CPQ systems, and banking projects. Worked with integration, system, and acceptance testing. On both sides – as part of production teams and those accepting systems. Worked closely with external customers supporting acceptance processes. Works in and believes in agile approaches and self-organization. It worked when he won (as part of the team) TestingCup 2019.Tests automagically and manually – mostly exploratory. In given order: critic, accredited trainer, and holder of ISTQB certificates. Part of a review team of the polish version of ISTQB 2018 syllabi.Loves testing community and values participation in meetups and conferences. As a participant and a speaker. Loves constructively criticize (and when he is constructively criticized) and all the thinking has done behind #itdepends.